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here is an adaptation of Joseph Smith as told by South Park  

   Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smtih Jr. who wrote the Book of Mormon and started the Latter Day Saints Movement. Smith explained to his followers that God had came to him and wanted him to begin a new denomination.Smith further claimed that in answer to his prayer:   

       "I was answered [by Jesus] that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: "they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." 

  Smith stated that he had been instructed that God would use him to re-establish the true Christian church and that the Book of Mormon would be the means of establishing correct doctrine for the restored church(Wikipedia).

  Joseph and his brother, Hyrum, were considered "very dangerous" by the Governor or 

Illinois Thomas Ford. Joseph and Hyrum were jailed for two days. On June 27, 1884 the mob who was the militia watching them came in to kill them. Hyrum died, but Joseph attempted to escape out the window where he was shot in the chest outside and then died. 


  Mormons believe that Joseph Smith is a "testator," meaning he "provided to mankind a witness of God’s covenants." When Joseph Smith died, his death "place[d] a seal of truth on the testament" (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, 350) (Joseph Smith).


Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the divine revelation did 

not end with the disciples but continues to this day. They are also very family-oriented 

and have a conservative approach to things. Mormons generally marry young and have 

many children. When most Mormons reach their 20s they go on a "mission" where they 

move to a different state. They help with the community, teach, and proselytize, or try 

to convert the locals to Mormonsim(Polygamy Issue).

Not many states allow the practice of Polygamy and most Mormons do not practice

 Polygamy anymore. All church manuals no longer refer to polygamy. Today, almanacs list 

only the founder and his first wife so people who are not aware of the history that

Joseph Smith was a polygamist. Mormons who practice polygamy today are usually 

ex-communicated (Mormon Polygamy Overview).


  The most frequently performed public Mormon ritual is the faith's version of the common Protestant and Catholic rituals of "communion." Mormons also practice baptism by immersion inside the LDS chapel or sometimes in bodies of water. Like the sacrament baptism is followed by prayer.The private rituals of Mormonism take place within the Church's temples and may only be performed or witnessed by members of the Church who are in good standing. 

  Although Mormons who have participated in these rituals take solemn vows not to disclose the specifics of the ceremonies to anyone, the LDS Church has published general descriptions of the rites.  The main temple ritual is called the "endowment" and consists of a recitation of the main events of sacred history, including the creation of the earth and the events that took place in the Garden of Eden, as well as a process of covenant making in which the initiate agrees to live according the teachings of the LDS Church.  Worthy Mormons also participate in ceremonies of "sealing" in which spouses are married for eternity and in which children are bound to their parents in an eternal family unit.  In both the endowment and sealing rituals, Mormons dress in ceremonial clothing, a practice that adds to the liturgical richness and complexity of the temple rites.

   LDS temples are also the sites for rituals performed on behalf of the dead.  LDS doctrine maintains that individuals who die without knowledge of the true gospel must be provided with an opportunity to accept those teachings in the afterlife. Mormons also perform simple rituals associated with death.  Mormon funerals tend to be occasions for large family gatherings, with an emphasis on the life of the deceased and the importance of eternal family relationships.  Mormons who have been through the endowment rituals are typically buried in their ritual temple clothing(Mormonism Rites and Ceremonies).

Want to see a real story of a Mormon family practicing polygamy today? This link is an 

interview of the family on the SisterWives on TLC
